John Cleave dropped off several folders of paperwork from the
old IMYRU, mainly minutes of meetings and the like. There was one item
that I thought particularly interesting, however, his annotated programme from
the 1975 "International Radio Controlled Model Yacht Championship" held at
Gosport, UK, for the 10R and M classes.
Back (left) and front (right) of the programme cover.
Pages 1 & 2

Pages 3 & 4
Pages 5 & 6
International skippers on the left, GBR on the right
The winner in the M Class was L Akesson (SWE) from JG Ball (CAN) and N Curtis
(GBR), honourable mention to T Kato (JPN)
Pages 7 & 8
International skippers on the left, GBR on the right
The winner in the 10R Class was L Akesson (SWE) from JWO Cleave (GBR) (on
count-back) and DH Buxton (GBR), honourable mention to T Kato (JPN)
Pages 9 & 10
Pages 11 & 12
Pages 13 & 14