Sail 80 (Ottawa 1980)

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From the IMYRU archives, some scans relating to the "Sail 80" event, an IMYRU International event labelled as a Radio Sailing World Championship in the RM, 10R, and EC12 classes held in Ottawa, Canada, July 20-26 1980.  The relatively high incidence of DSQs is a consequence of the racing rules at that time, where any infringement required the boat to retire, or if it did not, to face a protest committee and be disqualified.  No redress, no alternative penalty, and DSQs were not discardable.  Differences in scoring across the classes also of interest;  for example, 1st place scored 1 for RM and 10R, but 0 for EC12, while DSQ scored 21 for RM and 19 for 10R.

Front page of the programme


Penultimate page of the programme


Last page of the programme


Final results of the RM Gold Fleet
12 boats, 7 races, 1 discard, modified low points scoring


Final results of the 10R Gold Fleet
10 boats, 7 races, 1 discard, modified low points scoring


Final results of the EC12 Gold Fleet
10 boats, 7 races, 1 discard, modified low points scoring


©2025 Lester Gilbert