Bias 4

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Starting at the starboard end of line A will boost you by 5 boat lengths (or 'blocks') against your buddy who started at the port end. Notice that these boosts have nothing to do with whether you start on starboard or on port. They just depend upon you picking the right end of the line.

Line 'A' bias is worth 5 boat lengths

OK. You now have the picture. It is time to take the end of term test, to check that you've grasped what our city block metric is telling us. Here are two situations. In each, the starting line is biased by 10 degrees, in the one case to port, and in the other case to starboard.

Port end is favoured Starboard end is favoured

Where do you start in each situation? At the starboard end of the line, or at the port end? See what you think on the next page.


©2024 Lester Gilbert