IRSA Elections 2014

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Graham and I have tossed our hats into the ring for the IRSA Executive Committee elections scheduled for 2014.  We currently (early December 2013) have prepared three documents outlining our manifesto CEEFIE Manifesto V1-4.pdf, our intended policies CEEFIE Policy V1-4.pdf if elected, and a summary CEEFIE Publicity summary V1-4.pdf.  These documents can be downloaded by clicking on their links.  This is what the summary says, more or less:

A group of radio sailors are seeking to reinvigorate IRSA. The group’s intention is to transform IRSA into an organisation which transparently governs its International Classes and effectively administers the rules of and for international radio sailing. They intend to field a list of international candidates for the IRSA elections due in May 2014 who share similar objectives. Currently, the list includes Graham Bantock and Lester Gilbert, and will be expanded as interested candidates join.

Most radio sailors probably know more about the workings, discussions, and decisions of their national secret service than they do about IRSA. If elected, the group will change that. The group will seek to introduce procedures to yield the kinds of rules that radio sailors want, including Appendix E changes, racing systems, event management, and competitor eligibility and ranking.

If elected, the group will seek to establish a committee for each International class (M, A, 10R) to operate as an international class association and promote their class. In addition, the group will actively seek applications for recognition from other classes which are raced internationally. To support its objectives and secure the longer-term future of a more effective IRSA, the group will review IRSA Administration and will make restructuring recommendations to bring it up to date and make it fit for purpose, such as moving from a regional representation system to a class based representation system, and putting the right people in the right places for events and for information and communications.

We'd like to hear from anyone who would be interested in joining us, and we welcome your comments, either publicly or privately (graham at, lg11 at

CEEFIE?  Committee for the Election of an Effective IRSA Executive...

©2025 Lester Gilbert